Artist Statement
" Many individuals, including myself, at times lose sight of what makes us truly happy in life. The way I draw light back into my life is painting. Within my works of art, I hone in on seemingly unimportant moments and experiences that connect us all into an oversimplified meaning. I portray these daily remnants as being what actually make life worthwhile. I enjoy the process and progression of reinventing an array of diverse individuals whom I know on a personal level and encounter on a daily basis, and those in which I become acquainted to for a brief instant in time. My paintings create a sense of peace and relaxation within the depicted individuals’ hectic surroundings by blurring out most noisy activity in the background and focus on the figure in the foreground within their natural habitat. It is part of the human beings culture to pass through different experiences in the duration of our lifetime, experiencing an abundant amount of emotions. These emotions are brought forth, and emerge as unforeseen circumstances to the eye and heart of the viewer. My curiosity inspires a simplistic sense of belonging that pervades my works of art. Within the majority of my works, one will encounter a series of realistic and roughly detailed figures contemplating and forming somewhat of a relationship, connecting them to the simple things in life in a narrative that we can all relate to. I demonstrate these common experiences by combining my earthy, yet expressive acrylic palette with my compulsive thoughts of painting everyday individuals within their pure and natural surroundings on surfaces that exemplify their command."